We are launching 🚀 on the 5th of September 2022
An open source platform

Allowing developers to take control of their cloud infrastructure

Empowering the next generation of developers at

The future of DevOps starts from here

Oraculi is an open-source platform built for the 99% of developers bringing DevOps knowledge to developers’ fingertips.
Connect to any cloud provider
Oraculi is cloud agnostic, one platform across top public cloud providers. We support AWS, GCP, Azure, and Digitalocean
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Manage all cloud usage in one place
Oraculi is cloud agnostic, one platform across top public cloud providers. We support AWS, GCP, Azure, and Digitalocean
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Make impactful changes with one click
Oraculi is cloud agnostic, one platform across top public cloud providers. We support AWS, GCP, Azure, and Digitalocean
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Oraculi’s community consists of open-source advocates, developers, devops engineers, contributors and entrepreneurs. See what they think:
Ever since I started using Komiser, our companies’ cloud management improved like we never imagined to be possible.
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Oraculi is based on the open source project Komiser, used by +2M developers today

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Oraculists 🦫

Take control of your cloud infrastructure